First of all I m grateful to the almighty who has blessed us with immense Perth in service to mankind, strength to establish Guru Harkrishan Education Trust and opening of Guru Harkrishan Public School. I also express my gratitude to all those parents who have shown faith in us by sending their wards to Guru Harkrishan Public School. I am really grateful to the trustees for their valuable contribution in bringing the school to a mature level. The trustees, the Principal and the Staff have pledged to play an important role in the promotion of goodwill, harmony and mutual understanding with quality education for this purpose school curriculum has been designed to equip to the students with their best academic qualifications, technical skills, moral education and latest knowledge for their overall development.
I am confident that the citizens of phallewal and adjoining villages will continue to extend their full co-operation. I wish all the parents and future all success in their lives.