March 28, 2016

Managing Director

The tale of education in any society is to being about a new vision and a new heart. This is possible only where there are fundamental changes in values. Whatever forms our education may take; it has to be value based. The education system should develop such a leaving mechanism for students in which they learn to get and fix their priorities right an clarify their value and beliefs when these all in conflict with another set of values. There is die need to strengthen inter religious and inter communal ties among our students. This is the area where our Guru Harkrishan Public High School playing an important role. Let us try to explore the field of quality education and attain the goal of education which is have other than the establishment of device civilizations through people child education. I am thankful to all parents who have always extended their full co-operation & I am sure that all those who will join me in igniting the light of knowledge, will feel highly satisfied to be a part in this noble cause. May the almighty give us strength to work together for the betterment of the society through quality education.

S. Gurmatpal Singh Walia
(Managing Director)